
Hurray! Spy sappin' the lame update!

Well played Valve, well played...

I have to admit this completely changes my feelings towards this update. It is a spy update in disguise after all. The people at the tf2 forum were right, how about that?

Valve seems to be listening and toying with their fanbase, which is just plain awesome, I've never seen any other company act like this.

So, this update was hijacked by the spy, seeing the sniper dead there is already worth it for me, but what does this update bring? well, 2 watches. Yes, there's 2 new invisibility watches.

The update presents us with a catalogue where the spy orders 2 items from. Now, my first thought is, is one of those watches gonna replace his current one, OR is gonna keep his current one and get those 2 as extras. Honestly, either way is fine with me.

Brief description of the watches:
  • The "Dead Ringer" Spy Watch - If u get shot and don't die from the shot, this simulates your death by dropping a decoy and makes u invisible up to 8 secs. I assume it's auto-used.

  • The "Cloak and Watch" Spy Watch - seems to work like the normal watch, except metal doesn't seem to recharge it, it only recharges by standing still and only drains when moving.
This surprise update has the TF2 forums going crazy, crazy theories are staking up, some say the sniper update might have been staged and is actually a fake to present the spy's. some say Valve is doing 2 updates at once, etc.

Valve sure knows how to tease, doing that on a Friday, now everyone will b hyped for Monday.

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