
Mmm, j'accuse!

Well, "Meet the spy" was officially released, nothing surprising there. However...

I've been dying to see what was written on the board, and take a look at 2nd to last item on the 2nd row.

"Leaked video"

So was it all a publicity stunt? probably, most people suspected as much. if it wasn't, they're covering it up nicely or taking it it well.

They're even making fun of it, so it's all good.

So yea, this update features the high res version of meet the spy for steam users, and the name and icons of the spy achievements, no descriptions yet. At this point i have to assume the sniper update might be fake.

Amazingly, even though this video only brings further proof, on steam forums people still think the spy might not be french. Dumb fucking idiots never die i guess.

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