
Sexy Sega Sisters

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Top Left to Right: SMS Mistress, Genesis Girl
Bottom Left to Right: Saturn Sanshiko, Dreamcast Kunoichi

Sexy Sega Sisters:
Sega Corporation was around when the Great Crash of 1983 occurred. This caused many of the Sega folks to panic about the future of their console gal. However, before Sega could do anything, they were eventually bought out and became Sega Enterprises Ltd. Ever since their new owner came into play, things looked healthy for the first two Sega Sisters, but that quickly changed during the Bernie Stolar regime. While some accessories were unnecessary and may have given the girls a bad reputation (32x for the Genesis) it was not their style that doomed them, but their management. After many failures Sega decided to pull out of the Console Gal business and solely focus on the franchise aspect of it.

SMS Mistress
SMS was in fact built to be technically more skilled than NES Girl. However, being the more advance one did not equate to winning the fans over *cough* PS3 *cough*. Not surprisingly, SMS did not do to well in Japan or North America, but enjoyed a good following in other parts of the world. After a few years her hardware clothes would be further improved and she hid under the alias as Game Gear Chick. Many were not aware of her hiding as Game Gear Chick, but those who did bought the convertor which allowed fans to access her old Master System Game Cards.

Genesis Girl
Genesis Girl is pretty competitive and decided to leave a note for Nintendo's headquarters on her debut. The letter simply stated "Genesis does what Nintendon't". Nintendo was pretty cheesed and released SNES Girl 2 years later. Since then she been seen wearing a shirt that was written as:


With the two girls on the market this sealed a rivalry between the two girls and perhaps created the first true "Console Gal Fanboys". Unlike SNES Girl's clean reputation Genesis Girl is well known to love violence.

Saturn Sanshiko
Saturn Sanshiko was developed after Sega's addition of the Sega CD and 32X accessories for Genesis Girl and saw success in Japan. She was programmed to be a powerhouse in 2d pixeling and as such garnered favor from many of the 2d sponsors such as Capcom and SNK. However rumors began spreading that PS1 Lady and N64 Dame were going to be polygon skilled and in a last minute training session she was given another processor to compete. In Japan Saturn was paired up with Sanshiro Segata and caught the audience appeal. In North America though, she ended up being hated due to Bernie Stolar's prophecies of an RPG free empire. Additionally, to the shock of everyone Saturn debuted much earlier than anticipated which lead to many angry sponsors and a huge lack of launch title gaming knowledge. If there was one thing she had going, it was her super awesome second model controller which was later made availble for the PC and PS2 Lady. Despite her lack of support and poor manager decision, she has grown a strong small following of fans.

Dreamcast Kunoichi
In a last ditch effort for a Console Gal market, Sega decided to create Dreamcast Kunoichi. Initially she had a twin sister code named Black Belt and she was code named Dural (named after the Virtua Fighter boss). The twins were pretty much the same except for a slight variation in how they process information. In the end, the Dreamcast Kunoichi you know was chosen due to her training being closer to her arcade relative Naomi. Black Belt was thrown into a vault and is never heard from again; Sega and Dreamcast Kunoichi both denys her existance. Dreamcast was trained in the arts of the Katana wielding and was upgraded from her prototype training. At first Kunoichi's anticipation from fans was quite high and fared much better than PS1 Lady and N64 Dame, but upon her arrival, she was plagued with several bugs. Unlike previous Console Gals Dreamcast Kunoichi embraced the new technology of online connectivity, but being one of the first to dab into this early weapon system she encountered many problems. She became quite injured in a battle before PS2 was announced, but soon as she saw her new competition she decided to retire into the mountains.

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