
Thoughts: Sniper vs Spy Update - Week 1

I... hate the way the game is now. TF2 has become idle/unfairness central.

Here's how my tf2 experience has been this week:
  • I've noticed a huge influx of extremely retarded players lately, granted most are noobs and just mess up on gameplay level, but i made the mistake of chatting with some people, and i was reminded why all internet communities are bad.
  • Valve's new randomizing system is so extremely badly coded, that I've seen people get around 25 items within 5mins, actually the guy had his inventory full but still kept getting items. instead of randomizing to others, it randomizes the item and gives always to the same guy.
The TF2 forum has had a few topics of people claiming they kept getting all the items in the game within a few minutes and filled up their inventory. But, seeing as the trading system isn't working, It's useless. this is the worse idea, concept, and implementation Valve ever did.

Valve response to the system obviously being broken has been none, it was obvious from day 1 it sucked, hell, anyone could had guessed it, but an entire week and not a word? I am losing so much respect for the only gaming company i did respect.

Thoughts about the new items:

First the spy:
  • The Ambassador - headshots, snipers are so fucked, all u need to know.
  • Dead Ringer - was cool, makes spies nearly invincible and sorta useful, was a huge mindfuck on people. But got nerfed real fast. Valve sure has it's priorities all fucking wrong.
And now the sniper crap:
  • The Huntsman - It's actually fun to use, hard as fuck to aim with it cause it's a relatively slow projectile, but high damage and i hit way more with it than with the rifle. Also friendly pyros can set your arrow on fire for extra dmg.
  • Jarate - It's a jar of piss, it's juvenile and funny, makes spies visible, gives mini crits AIDS, and puts out friendlies that are on fire. That's about it.
  • Razorback - incredibly pointless, especially cause of the ambassador.
So, has my opinion of the update got better after a week? No, it got worse.

Most players are forced to leave the game on and idle on a server while they sleep, this is simply the worse kind of framing I've ever head of, ever.

i give up on playing it until they fix it, i've been cranky and moody all week because of the unfairness and trying to get something good.


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