
Cat Tats.

Quite a few of you guys should b familiar with Noise, a jap artist that has a whole site full with his Felicia doodles, he seems to have grown bored of her for the past few years so he rarely updates anymore.

Out of randomness, i checked the site, and damn, he drew a huge wallpaper sized Felicia pic, and his art/coloring seems to have improved too, i guess he's been involved in some doujins lately.

Click the pic for the fullsized thing, i cropped it cause even though technically it's save for work, it's still pretty hot for it.

Another site i haven't been checking as much is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged, their updates have been slow as well, but seems they made episode 31 and a lil music video. didn't care much for the music video, but episode 31 was ok.

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