
Weekly webcomic review.

Instead of kinda spamming lil posts about webcomics during the week, i decided to just do it during the weekend.

Kinda surprised Awkward Zombie didn't update, but i read on the site Katie's doing college applications or something, so i kinda hope it works out for her.

F@nboy$ did 2 comics since i last checked it, the first is really awesome, i really makes u wanna shout out "WOO!", the 2nd comic was kinda ok, but, maybe too long, i know there's no dialogue, but it feels damn long setup for such a simple joke, i did like the reference to that creepy moon, but i didn't like how it looks in the comic, not creepy enough.

I rarely mention Penny Arcade, cause a lot of the time the comic seems more like inside jokes that u have to read a long boring comment to understand, but the simplest ones are kinda cool, i think this one here is worth looking at.

I haven't mentioned DrMcNinja in a while cause i couldn't see where the story was going and there really wasn't much to comment about, but it's finally been explained that the Doc and Gordito were helping Marty getting rid of the Robster by trying to make him think Marty had crazy mind powers, that much most of us could had guessed it. then the Robster gives Marty an ultimatum, and we're given given insight on how Marty has been misunderstood and basically poorly treated his whole life. I like that he thinks of Gordito just for that simple comment on his commercial. It was sort of expected that Marty would snap, but is it me or is Marty a lil bigger than he normally would b? I do like that the artist didn't do the Hulk bullshit that the tiny pants turn into shorts, there never was logic behind that. Although I'm not too crazy about the idea of a dangling giant purple dong, it still makes sense. The rampaging Marty makes me wonder if it was really worth putting up this charade to begin with, but I'm gonna assume he went "super saiyan"ogre style because his friends were in danger. Really is hard to predict anything in this comic, looking forward to what happens next.

VGcats updated the super effective subsection with 2 comics, but one's really just an intro panel to the later comic, which i liked, all this "i believe in you" shit ALWAYS makes me think of Pokemon and is so cheesy. i just like when someone makes fun of it.

Ok so i totally didn't see this coming from menage a 3, even though there's a heavy sexual theme to the comic, that's like something i'd do, er... i mean... someone i know would do that! (nice save) Zii seems more and more like a guy, and frighteningly, like ToF would b as a girl. Gay guys can get away with anything, i mean, seriously, that's the lesson there. That and Harry Potter porn sounds pretty funny.

The new NerfNow arc doesn't look like it'll b about TF2 afterall, either that or a crossover, not sure I'm interested so meh.

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