
Catching up.

Note to self: don't press "enter" after inserting the post title.

Anyway, although I've been completely bored and doing nothing at work, I've completely forgot to check online comics mostly due to reinstalling windows during the week and such.

Menage a 3 has been pretty damn cool, this comic wasn't like, ubber funny, but still i found it intresting as it did a lil character development.I really didn't expect him to ask her why would she help him, so i guess the character is being fleshed out pretty well.

In the next one we see that Garry has a pretty low self esteem, but also that Zii is a pretty cool girl, even thought she managed a 2 way with 2 guys in the past, I didn't really regard her as a whore like Didi, kinda strange but maybe it's cause she's like a dude attitude wise. Still can't help but wonder why the guy could still taste the other one... i dunno what happened, but... nasty...

Then in this one, nothing much happens, but man, Garry sure is emotional. But this one rocks, i get the distinct feeling is phenomenally bad at dealing with awkward situations, which is so damn hilarious. i do wonder if she yells the first thing that crosses her mind, or actually says an unrelated true fact about her out loud. Garry's eyes make it so much more funnier too.

NerfNow is back at making TF2 comics, simple but fun.

i'm not sure about part of the pyro and sniper comic though. The fact that the artist doesn't use words in his comics, which is something i really like about it, does tend to create confusion. At first i had a theory that the pyro's footsteps or flamethrower were making noise, and the sniper looked outside to see the source of the noise, and he might have thought the origin was the stickies, as u can even see one of them is a crit, then dismisses it, and tries to snipe engie~tan. This interpretation didn't make much sense though, and it seem that the sniper had previously shot the pyro (lil bandage on the pyro's head), he's going to roast him, the sniper sees no viable escape (although i personally would risk the stickies) and decides to stare at engie~tan's undies while waiting to die. i guess it's kind of funny, but a sniper would just turn back and wait for the pyro to pop out his head. Still funny, but doesn't make that much sense.

The soldier and the nurse comic is nice and makes me realize he doesn't often do comics about the red team, unlike the game's promotional art and "meet the" videos, this artist focuses on the blue team rather than the red, and i'm reminded that he "cast" is different for each team. it's a nice touch and he can develop personalities on each. I feel a lil sad for the soldier but it's still a funny comic. and btw, i'm usually a BLU spy, not a red one.

Also the lil comic I'm posting directly on the blog is very true. Fucking hate snipers and i can't even get pissed at them anymore, they're just missing on the fun and showing incredible lack of skill really.

Earlier today i played a lil, I'm like at noob level again, but anyway, this sniper was just standing still sniping everyone who put their head out, no snipers on our team so the fucker as literally just standing there still waiting to click the mouse button. he got me twice in a row, so i went with spy, snuck past the entire team, and this sniper, who wasn't smart either, was standing in the far back. So i backstabbed him, he must have thought nothing of it, and as soon as he spawned, same spot again, so, well, duh, backstab again. then i went to their base to take out teleporters, for the heck of it, pisses off engies, and when i'm back, who's there sniping in the same spot? only after his 3rd death he asked for pyros to actually spycheck.

Snipers, fucking boring AND useless.

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