
Races of ShinDig! : Demons


In the world of ShinDig!, demons are the least civilized race. Most gremlins say that demons are "just barely not beasts", since they tend to live out in the open and often engage in fights for dominancy over one another. They exist without technology, usually(some demons have decided to live lives more akin to goblins or gremlins by adapting to their culture).

Demons are solitary and nomadic by nature, never staying in one place for long, usually. They are a warrior race, with astounding combat ability that would theoretically allow them to dominate the world, if they were so inclined to do so. It's normal for demons to engage in friendly sparring matches with eachother. Some of the other races look down on them for this barbaric activity.

Physically, demons are bright in color and have horns. They also boast being the most physically diverse race, as, aside from horns and bright skin color, demons have a large pool of physical traits that varies with each one. Some have gills, wings, or tails, and some do not. Some have multiple limbs or extra fingers. To top it off, demons have startling longevity, and can live upwards of 1000 years.

Demons, though unintelligent, typically possess latent psychic abilities or powers that can only be described as "magic", for lack of a proper scientific term for the phenomena. Demons are born grey, until their abilities set in. Their bright coloring typically coresponds to their abilities, and the strength of those abilities can generally be gauged by the size of their horns.

Being solitary creatures, demons don't really develop lasting relationships, and have a somewhat strict period for mating that differs from demon to demon. To ensure the future of their race, when female demons feel the time is upon them(which is supposedly proportionate to their lifetime), they ritualistically head to particular areas, usually where they were born themselves, and form small gatherings. After this time is over, demons settle back into their primitive lives.

Of the civilized races in ShinDig!, demons are the least civilized and intelligent, but the most powerful in terms of physical ability. Some demons do transcend this paradigm, though, and work alongside gremlins, goblins, and whatnot in more socially acceptable(by gremlin standards) jobs.

That's all I got for now. If anything comes to me later on that I might've forgotten(and I probably did), I'll try to add it in later.

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