
Merry Xmas

On the behalf of the Mighty Panty Raiders, Merry Xmas everyone.

i Thought it'd b interesting if we all posted what we got, Jimmy prolly wont post that just yer cause he's away for the holidays, and Zach is prolly opening whatever he got right about now. I might b the only one who got anything though.

So let's see, i got:
  • Chocolate (what the fucking hell?)
  • A robe (pretty damn warm one.)
  • A Rubik cube that is not a Rubik cube (a sort of games that use buttons. it fucking talks too)
  • A scarf (I always say clothing isn't and never will b a present)
  • A harddrive i asked my uncle to get me 2 days ago(my mom snatched it and gift wrapped it)
So yea, this was kinda bullshit. the last present was something i told my mom specifically not to buy, and of course, she bought it.

Yea, I'm now the owner of a Wii. i feel fucked, cause now imma need to buy games for it, and maybe another Wiimote, etc... I hate how everything costs money...

Right now, i only have WiiSports, which I'm already dead tired of. I may buy 1 game for my bday, and then just let this sit in a corner.

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