
December Blues.

I admit, I've been losing the habit of posting on here. kinda messed up between work and trying to have a life.

I guess I'll do a lil Webcomic review
  • VGcats made a new super effective comic, Pokemon would b a lot more fun if it included aspects that the GTA games have, u know? i mean, why stop at collecting lil critters? let's steal a car, beat up people and get laid!
  • F@nboy$ has their Xmas comic up. It's not hilarious, but kinda funny all the same. Although that comic really made me realize that the realistic look the artist was going for is pretty much gone by now and it's back to a goofy cartoony look, which looks nicer IMO.
  • Menage a 3 started a new arc where Zii is trying to help Garry get laid, and somehow now Garry's unconscious in bed while Zii and Didi taking his clothes off so he can sleep comfortably. It's pretty funny as usual and i can't wait to see what will happen in the next strips.

That's it for comics really. as for myself, stressing times, my sis is gonna have an operation soon, her BF is being emo cause she made a friend online, he just dumped her as I'm typing this, and i so don't need all this fucking drama.

There's an issue at work where we're not getting vacation over the holidays, and there's a mutiny rising.

Instantz seems to have quit releasing fansubs of one piece, I've had to watch it on youtube for the past month. If anyone knows a fansub group that is doing the lastests episodes of one piece, hook me up.

Also, Does anyone know the source of this movie? I know jimmy linked me to that site once, but i have no idea where it was. it seems to b an Hentai game, but i have no idea where to get it.

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