
Races of ShinDig! : Angels

Angels are very similar to demons, and yet also very different. This is perhaps due to their efforts to build bridges with other races and in effect expand their own horizons, something most demons couldn't care less about.
Physically, angels are nearly the same as demons, with a few key differences. Angels possess the same primary body color and grey limbs most demons have, but this is a constant for all angels. They're very pale other than the limbs, and the feet end in pointed toes that seem to serve no important purpose. Male angels always grow wings as they grow older; females have no wings at all.

Angels don't have the same longevity or physical power that demons possess, but the difference is negligable. This may be due to their desire to branch out and better themselves, as opposed to the demons' naturally battle-hardened lifestyle. Still, angels far outclass demons in terms of ability to learn easily and spiritual power. Supposedly, the "halo" most angels adorn themselves with is said to increase these abilities, though other races are quick to say that it's simply a piece of jewelry.

The angels possess a glorified police force founded by the leader of the angels himself, and most male angels turn their sights toward this cause, which essentially makes them the most powerful military force in the world. This "Angel Armada" carries the latest in gremlin-developed technologies...supposedly. But more on this later.

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