
Only winning matters? or how you play?

So this morning i wasn't feeling well, so i stayed home, i got work later on though.

Lil bored, i decided to browse Youtube, and ran into a video of some gaming event:

The description reads as follows:

The famous perfect by Demon Hyo on Dark Prince at evolution 2007 in Las Vegas. This was an amazing victory that was broad casted world wide over the net and is still talked about today. Dark Prince got OWNED after placing 2nd at evo west and talking trash about east coast.

It sorta sounded OK, but not too good as capcom makes broken game because of air juggle. See the pic i posted? you'll b seeing a lot of that in the video, u can kill characters by doing only that, just by holding down and pressing a button.

Professional players do not tend to b "skilled" as much as they are just incredibly cheap players that usually spam the shit out of 1 or 2 moves, whichever is broken in the game really.

I think it's funny how the guy at the end of the video is bragging after such a sad and pathetic display, honestly, the game itself is crap, it's broken. If i recall correctly there are multiple infinite combos, and a lot are not that hard to pull, and he picked one of the easiest.

Not all pro players are "just cheap", there's the famous footage of daigo with absolutely no life parrying an entire super move from chunli and following through with his and winning. That video happens to b one of my all time favs:

Sure it's not impossible to perform, i know people who have, although i personally can't, but to perform that, in such a big event, with no life, that by itself is impressive, and then he combo'd it into his super, and won, that's just amazing.

You can find the whole battle on Youtube, it's probably in the related videos, during the whole fight, his opponent kept his distance, hit and run, being cheap, incredibly annoying. Daigo's victory was incredibly satisfying for the people watching because it was a display of skill over cheap tactics.

You can argue that Daigo also uses cheap moves, but i think that since he does take a lot of risks and actually is on the offense really makes up for it.

This sorts of remind me of a situation in TF2, people who like to hide and/or stand a kilometer away from battle where it's perfectly safe and 1hit enemies. These tend to of course have more kills than deaths, and think they're any good or contributing to their team when in reality they aren't doing shit.

I'm of course talking of the people who use snipers.

As u can see, anytime you're killed by a sniper, he's in a perfectly safe spot, strolling around gently not doing shit until some enemy shows up. This is the main reason i can't get mad at snipers: they're not having any fun at all. I don't care in how much denial they are, they're just not. Also they're not actually helping their team most of the time.

Snipers are like TF2's cancer: they don't have fun, and don't let others have fun. the difference is that on top of it they're useless. why u ask? it's simple, there's no objective in TF2 maps, except for arena, that requires you to stand AWAY from battle. Each sniper your team has is 1 less person to help push the cart, or help capture a point, and a sniper will never ever steal the enemy's intel.

I could go on and on why playing as a sniper is lame, doesn't require skill, nor helps the team, believe me, i just deleted 4 paragraphs i wrote about them. The point is, when a sniper 1hit pwns u, it's so incredibly cheap it's accepted as natural (part of why people don't care anymore).

Killing an enemy with most other classes, is much harder, but much more satisfying, a lot of the other classes such as heavy, soldier, demoman and pyro when played well have the potential to mow down an entire team, owning people with a scout requires tons of skill and feels very satisfying as well, etc.

One could say that i talk like that because i never play as a sniper, that's not correct.

I have tried out sniping, I'm not awesome at it but i do OK. i have less than 3 total hours on the sniper. i just feel very empty and bored when i do use him, and i don't contribute shit for the team not matter how much i try.

That's another thing about snipers, they're meant to cancel each other. there's games where all that snipers do is kill the other snipers and have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND THEM! u could b capturing a point right next to them and they wouldn't look away from the sniper from the other team.

It's also hard to brag when all u do is hide and shot people from afar.

Kids these days only wanna win and all pick what's cheaper, and win. I the Footmen Frenzy forums it's sometimes said that if noobs could just mash 1 button to win, they would. Somehow, just winning is fun for them. Personally, i rather play well and take risks, but lose, than win and just be so cheap it's boring to watch and to play.

Winning isn't fun by itself.


  1. I can vouch for noobs mashing buttons to win. When I was a little Zach, I'd pick Blanka in Street Fighter 2 cause he could do a special move just by repeatedly tapping one button. I still got my ass kicked.

    ...I use Honda now. >_>*

  2. Every Capcom fighting game is broken especially the versus series. People can talk about how technical the system is, but in the end it is all about who can button mash or remember the infinite combos with the cheapest character.
