

So I was forced to watch twilight with my girlfriend and I learned that Stephenie Meyer cannot write a decent novel about vampires.

What's different about this Vampire as compared to others like Konomi's Dracula or even Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise? For one this vampire, Edward Cullen, does not sport a sexy goatee. How are people going to know you mean business without an ostentatious goatee? You simply cannot do it. Second, he doesn't explode in the sun like those vampires in in Blade, instead he sparkles like diamonds. Yes you read that correctly. HE SPARKLES LIKE DIAMONDS. Lastly, Edward and his "family" only drinks animal blood, though Edward seemed to have taken a likening to the main character Bella.

Where was I going? Oh yes, the author. I do not know about what women really think but I would assume that Meyer writes for those who are just seeking a reason to set unrealistic standards for men. However, I gave her stuff a chance in real life and this is what I found out:

In Meyer's world anyone who watches you sleep in the privacy of your home without your authorization is doing it out of love! Really!

However, in real life doing such a thing brands you as a "peeping tom" and can lead to some jail time in which others will probably watch and then rape you in your sleep.

Edward has been living for a long time. Hundreds of years. Bella is a minor. In one scene Bella confronts about Edward's secret. And we find out that she's in love with him despite their age differences. Aww love...

But as you can see, when someone's secret is discovered and age is taken into consideration it is not as romantic as Meyer makes it out to be. There's also a nice title for people like Edward and that's sexual predator.

No thanks you sparkling diamond freak. I rather stick with my teenwolf.

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