
7 days...

Maybe less now.

There's now 1 week til Kiwi's Bday. The "contest" still stands, u can use either of the pics i posted for it.

I'd just like to mention a couple of things about what I'd like to avoid in her color scheme:
  • Complete green (either as a single color or as double tone), it's just too cliche. Green coupled with another color(s) is ok though.
  • Complex/silly patterns. (patterns are ok, it might b cool, but nothing like zebra stripes)
That's about it.

a couple of u guys showed interest in trying out for this which is awesome. others just really don't want to try at all because of lack of confidence, you guys had nothing to lose or win, but i understand. The point of this is just to help me decided on colors for the character.

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