
Intresting Warcraft 3 variation

As some may know, i play (unofficial) Warcraft 3, i worked for the longest time on a map for it, and was getting pretty damn good at making what i wanted with it due to the engine being extremely versatile. So i like to keep my eye on the new stuff people still make for it.

I heard and seen footage of a cool project some time ago, it's not a map per say, but an engine mod that lets u play WC3 as a FPS. Back when i saw it, i was pretty good, but that was over a year ago, currently, it's fucking amazing.

That's a demo of their newest project, I'm especially impressed by it because it has the concept of floors and stairs working in it, something u couldn't really do in the game. The changes to the engine sure are extensive.

Bellow is a more traditional FPS like demo of the mod, it even supports melee combat.

This could lead to great and interesting stuff, mostly because the Warcraft 3 world editor is incredibly easy to use and very cool and interesting things could b created with this. i wouldn't think too much towards multiplayer shooting, although it does seem to have been implemented, but people making their own FPS/RPG games with their own stories and plots. Could Lead to cool Co-op games on LANs, etc...

You may want to check the other videos that youtube user has uploaded, features more of that mod and some of it is pretty cool.

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