
Kiwi contest: update

So far I'm pretty pleased with the lil contest I'm having for kiwi's color scheme. I've had 4 entries so far and all of them look very distinct from each other.

Remember guys, I'm taking 2 entries per person. As for those who haven't tried, here's a lil research i did:

Pretty much any color that one can think of may be used by a reptile, some are plain, some have really weird and interesting patterns. dual colors seem to make them seem more intresting though.

Remember that reptiles have the particularity of standing out a lot in the wild when they're dangerous, the vibrant color being a warning for other creatures to keep away from them. with that said, don't go overkill on the vibrant part.

As for picking a color scheme for Kiwi, I'll do so based on a couple of factors, such as it has to look good (most important factor) and reflect her personality (antisocial and dangerous warrior chick with deep rooted hate for men). Also, there's 3 plans (2 Backups) to pick her color scheme:
  • Plan A - There is a color scheme that fits and looks cool, and so that is that one i use, yay!
  • Plan B - There bits of several color schemes that i like and i make one based on those, not a good plan.
  • Plan C - I take all the submissions, and merge all of them into a single picture using soft type blending. (it's actually looking pretty cool so far.)
Preferably, i wanna go with plan A though.

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