
Pain in the ass

So let's get to the bottom of this. XD

I recently had a pimple on my right gluteus which transformed into a very large and painful abscess. That's pretty much where the body blocks off an infection or foreign object from entering the rest of the body. Because of this thing I could not walk, sit, or sleep, but people kept on not taking me seriously. My physician and the surgeon could not believe the pain I must have been in.

I went into the doctors yesterday and they said that I needed to go into surgery to cut it and drain it out. Not only that my Tetanus shot updated.

At first the doctor stuck her finger in my rectum to determine if it was not a worst case. It was a strange and . . . unexpected feeling at most. So they cut and drain the thing and find that the thing was about 10-15 mm deep. I thanked the doctor with the a joke that was only appropriate at the time "Thanks doc, that was a pain in the ass." She laughs and patched me up and prescribed me pain meds. yay. I'll be out for a 2-3 days.

This is just a post in case anyone cares.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap i had no idea it was that bad! hope you're ok now.
