
Races of ShinDig!: Gremlins

When it comes to brains over brawn, the Gremlins are at the forefront of the field. Although mostly physically useless, Gremlins are very capable problem solvers, and think amazingly quickly. Their level of technology is nearly unrivaled, with only the Goblins coming remotely close. It is a fact they're... actually very upset about.

Gremlins live in highly developed cities, as opposed to living off the land as Demons do. They enjoy very organized society, and have the aeronautic market monopolized. Typically, Gremlins are very, very intelligent, able to analyze and deduce their way through nearly any problem in record time. This is offset by how frail they tend to be, though their weapons research helps them contribute to conflicts if need be.

Of particular note is how hateful Gremlins are, especially towards Goblins. Gremlins prided themselves on their superior technology, due to their inability to naturally match the raw physical strength of Demons or Angels. However, they're slowly being overtaken by the somewhat less intelligent Goblins, who manage to produce similar, almost as effective technology at a much more appealing price point. The Gremlins are almost forced to rely on their specialization in aeronautics to get by. It is their one last trump card.

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