
First impressions: Street Fighter 4 (PC)

I almost didn't wanna play this game, why did i even get it?

bleh, anyway...

Being arrogant isn't a super power, bitch!

i hate and despise all the new characters, even if all of them are already more interesting than Ryu:

  • Gouken, Ken and the other-guy-that-has-no-personality's master. actually cool design, interesting moveset for once. Feels like a reverse Akuma.
  • Abel manages to b almost as bland as Ryu but he has an excuse for it. His background story is that eternal old god fucking cliche of "I've lost my memory". Uninteresting at best. his design looks like crap too.
  • Crimson Viper is just an arrogant bitch with no skills, literally, she wears a suit that gives her fighting abilities. ain't that cheating? also incredibly bad design.
  • El Fuerte is... a wrestler that wants to b a great cook.. moving on...
  • Rufus... oh dear god Rufus...

Fucking Rufus...


That god dammed face... and his personality matches his fucking apearance. he's the kind of character u tell yourself in denial that he isn't in the game.

It... jiggles...

The graphics are ok, but really nothing impressive. i dunno what to even say about the damn graphics to b honest, I'd b far more impressed with a 2d game. doin 3d is just so god damned easy nowadays. Oh god, i gotta mention how the motherfucking announcer was driving me up the fucking walls! I'm considering starting a petition to have the man literally executed or castrated, good lord, the sound of his voice is agony! someone needs to make a patch where he doesn't exist!

Unlocking the characters is a simple but annoying task, and the alternate costume are still being a dick, I'll elaborate on that:

In the console versions, and now in the PC one, Capcom had the alternate costumes in the game all along, heck, i can easily guess which files they're in, but they're not enabled. They said the costumes were DLC (Downloadable Content), when actually, they're not. the key words in downloadable content are "DOWNLOADABLE" and "CONTENT", not "ACTIVATION OF EXISTING CRAP". Capcom had players pay for those costumes, which honestly, is a dick move.

Backgrounds are cool, i admit.

Another example of how fucked up the gaming industry is getting and how cheap ass Capcom has gotten.

Anyway, no of this matters really, what matters is the gameplay, and how is the gameplay u ask? it's... well, boring. this feels really boring.

After great fighting games like Guilty Gear XX, or The King of Fighters, with deep gameplay and a wide array of moves, Street Fighter 4 feels mediocre at best. I'd say get an emulator and enjoy Street Fighter 3 instead, it's infinitely much better. It's not bad, it just plays like SF2 and most of the characters are the damn same.

Fei Long is a cross between Bruce Lee and Kenshiro

Ok, that's a lil harsh. Fighting games used to be my main genre for a long long time and i demand a lot from them. I imagine if u like fighting games, and aren't too bad at them, u might like this game.

And i have to b honest, there's talk and even prototypes of nude patches for this, so it could become bearable. that's the cool thing about PC gaming: modding stuff. I'm not quite hoping for a nude patch, but maybe a revealing/lingerie patch would b nice. Also hoping someone makes a simple way (a complicated and vague way already exists) to get the alternate costumes and some of those are really really neat.

I'll go with "Sort of want" on this game, but only on account of modding possibilities.

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