
Public service

Nothing big to post about, so i thought i'd bring up something that i tested at work recently, consider this a small rant.

I'm currently an intern at a software company developing a web based ERP. most won't know what that means, but most will figure out that if it has the word "web" in it, it might use a web browser. we had a problem with the management deciding to switch our "officially supported" browser to chrome (i highly advise against it). and the layout of our application looked raped on it.

So me and some of the guys started talkin about browsers and which one is the most acurate. and then i remembered that Firefox 3.5 came out recently.

Most Firefox users haven't noticed 3.5, as it seems 3.0 doesn't bug u to download it.

It's noticeably faster than the older version, but what about acuracy? well, there is a test for this. the acid3 test. In short, the acid tests are very complicated pages that the browser has to interpret and represent, and your browser is graded (at least on the 3rd one).

No browser passed the 3rd acid test, Firefox 3.0 only had 71 on it. however, the recent Firefox 3.5 has a score of 97 or so. by far the most accurate and functional browser at this time.

However, i haven't upgraded at home, simply because a lot of the plugins i use aren't compatible with this version yet. This might b the reason this update isn't suggested or forced on 3.0 users but recommended for new ones.

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