
Capcom Farmer 2: Quest for more cash

Super street fighter 4 Announced here.

So yea, let me try to phrase my feelings properly...

Capcom made a shitty boring unbalanced game, and they called it SF4. It had old ass characters and uninteresting ones. The game had false DLC (in the sense that the content was already in the game, but disabled on purpose unless u paid for it). They wanted to balance it and add to it. So what do they do? make an actual DLC? of course not, that would b too logical. They made the same game with minor extras and resell it again.

What the hell is wrong with the gaming world in the recent years? Maybe Valve is taking notes from Capcom though... *rubs chin thinking about L4D2*

But yea, am i the only one sick of being offered the same shit but with different bells and whistles on it and expected to pay full price for it all over again? Feels like people are playing to be beta testers for fuck's sake. And it's shit that should b provided either as DLC or patches.

Yes, that kind of shit exists, there's such a thing as patches, Blizzard makes fucking huge ones over 1gb sometimes for WoW, granted it's a lil different and they still charge u for the expansions (which seem they could had been patches themselves too sometimes), But that's the problem right there:

Blizzard itself used to release a ton of patches for the original WoW, and quite a few for the first expansion. But then they realized that patches aren't as profitable as the damn expansions. so what do u do? You update less and save it all to make an expansion so people pay you more. This recent 3rd expansion was announced really god damned fast if u ask me, and WotLK only had like 2 patches. But i digress...

No matter how much you whore the public, fucking idiots still buy bad recycled games, the gaming companies are realizing this more and more, meaning, they don't really need to make good games, it'll sell anyway so why bother. It's getting to a point where there's no quality, everything is recycled, and u have to pay for everything.

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