
Oh valve, stop pretending

So to my surprise, earlier the L4D blog posted about how the long ass overdue and delayed campaign "Crash course" was finally out. and all the Vavle servers were unavailable instantly. Again.

Whenever L4D updates, u can't play it right away, the game just won't start. Great.

Zach and me waited like 1 hour, i got in and had to wait 10 mins for Zach to finish downloading, we played it, and it's a 2 maps long campaign.

2 maps? This was seriously short as fuck! We got to the rescue when i thought we wouldn't even b halfway done with the campaign. That shit had weapon drops even 20 fucking meters too! I don't even think this was a good campaign, it was decent at most, but not that good compared to the ones the community has been putting out.

It seems kinda obvious they pulled this out of their ass just to claim they did release DLC for L4D and they are indeed "supporting" the game as they first claimed.

Seems the campaign is available for VS, so i guess that's where the appeal for it might b, i don't play VS so i don't quite care for this.

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