
Heroes of Newerth - The new DotA?

So i was randomly browsin 4chan's /v/ and came across a reference to "Heroes of Newerth" in a Warcraft 3 topic. What i found out surprised me a lot:

The site does not contain much info at all, but a lot can be deduced, such as:
  • This is a remake of DotA on a new engine (easily assumed to be the Starcraft 2 engine), and the interface has been setup specifically for DotA.
  • The Hero models and even spells were made specifically for this map/game.

Blizzard knows that DotA is what kept their sales of warcraft 3 going to this day, and is by far the most popular WC3 map ever. As to why, i have no fucking clue, it's boring as fuck and slow paced.

However, the existence of this game leads me to believe that Blizzard worked closely with the team that made DotA to make this. I have to admit it looks visually impressive, but when i think it's just DotA, the urge to yawn rises inside me. It's still impressive to me that such a project could happen, I've never heard of anything like it.

I really wish they had done all this work for something that was a lil more... u know, fun?

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