
Sir Little Turd

Brave Fencer Musashi is a game I picked up on a whim, and somewhat due to a nice review in an old gaming rag I used to read. If anyone had to explain it briefly, saying "it's kinda like Zelda" is a good way to put it. But that sorta belittles the game, so I try to avoid doing it(even though it is sorta like what might've came to be if Nintendo decided to keep Zelda traditional instead of going in the direction they did with OoT).

I was surprised to find myself totally falling in love with this little gem(WARNING: I'm about to make this game sound way better than it probably really is), thanks mostly in part to it's pint-sized protagonist. Musashi is tough, somewhat bratty, an asshole, and an unlikely hero all at once. Well, unlikely is sort of a strong word, considering the little guy picks up steam-powered mechs and tosses them like they were made of paper. Musashi pretty much disrespects everyone from the get-go, making it no secret that he's not happy about being contractually obligated to save Alucaneet Kingdom from the Thirstquencher Empire. He adopts a blatently apparent "let's just get this over with" attitude towards pretty much everything he's asked to do, usually confirming his orders and punctuating them with a "Whatever". But over time, Musashi grows attatched to the people he meets, but in his own "I'm still a disrespectful jerk" way. I really love the little guy.

Been a long while since I drew him. It's mostly due to the fact I'm never really happy with how they turn out, or can never think of what he should be doing, etc. You know, the usual hang-ups I get nowadays.

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