
Da blues

Just a rant.

Been unusually bored lately, and pretty lonely, so I've gone and done something stupid, i picked up Ragnarok Online again, a private server of course, I'm bored, but i wouldn't spend money on it. It's a mid/high rate server though. there's a tiny detail about it though: they modded the game's sprites on it into a more... adult nature. they are decent sprite edits, but i quickly got bored of it and make another patch to disable the adult sprites.

I have just felt incredibly inept towards art in general, even spriting. and that's why i picked up RO. I was enjoying it because i never got any characters at level 99 before, and on this server i got 8 characters past it and it feels pretty neat. i got a few insta-cast characters and some with incredible attack speed. But, most people on the server are german, and some are stupid. here's a convo i actually had on that sever:

Me - "What does the Geographer card do?"
Random Guy - "Yes it is."
Me - "No i mean, what does it do?"
Random Guy - "Yes it's a Geographer card."
and then I walked away...

Shigoto started playing on the RO server i play to stop my "i'm just playing alone as usual" bitchin, but i really barely got to play with him at all and last couple of time he was just doin his own thing and didn't even look me up. Zach refuses to play on it and it's probably a smart move.

I haven't played league of legends as well because no one wants to play with me, and come to think of it, all people will play with me is like, L4D2 which got boring after the first play through.

I played Tatsunoko Vs Capcom same day i played No more heroes 2, but it's such a regular average Capcom VS fighting game i didn't feel like making a review for it or even replaying it all that much. I have to b honest, the Wii's limited resolution on my current TV just looks like a PSX. I know graphics aren't everything, i preach that all the time, but it's just an average fighting game, if there was one thing that would help it it'd b the music of the graphics, neither do it for me. Gameplay is average so yea, nothing interesting there for me.

Just for curiosity sake here's the characters i made on the RO server I'm playing on:

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