
Game review: No more heroes 2

I raged, I laughed and then I raged some more.

I'll start by saying that No more heroes 2 has a lot of improvement over the first game hands down. But, still far from perfection...

I'll try to not rant too much, but can't promise anything.


because of the trailers for the game, it's no spoiler to say that Travis is fighting in this game to avenge his best friend. The plot seems like a minor detail in a game that breaks the 4th wall the sec Sylvia shows up. Seriously, Travis asks her directly what's happened since the last game and she says she won't tell because it'd bore the player.

Gameplay - Fight System


It's not that the gameplay is bad under optimal circumstances, but that rarely happens so yea it's fucked in the ass. here's issues that annoyed me to death:
  • Stun lock - not actually a stun lock, it's just what i call it: on many bosses, I had no chance to do anything and just kept being hit juggled. right off the top of my head, this happened on the last 3 ranked fights, and i got really pissed about it for the #2 fight because i had her down to 90%, i was actually dodging, counterattacking, being careful and technical about it, and she hit me and i fell down. i had just grabbed a full life pizza, and every time i tried to get up, her projectile hit me and knocked me back down. I tried to get up faster, take longer, anything and it didn't work, she JUGGLED ME FOR 100% OF MY HEALTH! Any combat system that allows this is fucking shit.
  • I'm no in the "you can hit me now" animation - Just utter bullshit from the first game that still exists for no reason. You cannot damage bosses unless they allow u to. sure there's gameplay reasons for that, but u know what? from a player point of view, that is just fucking lame.
  • Oh wait, I'll dodge in a sec - what's the point of a dodge system if in order to dodge u can't do anything else? if u slash and you're gonna need to dodge, you're gonna take the hit because u can only dodge when your animation has completely finished. There are game which are similar to this and pull this off well, i think god of war does it really well, so why can't they do that in this game? especially pisses me off when the bosses themselves actually do it!
  • I got u locked n... hey where'd u go? - The "lock on" system is so... it's a joke, again it works under optimal conditions, aka, the enemy is standing still in front of you, however you'll often want to dodge in this game, and when you'll actually dodge past a boss' attack and behind it, in perfect position to attack them from the back, and suddenly, you're not facing anything anymore. Where the heck the boss go? I'm still pressing L, so why aren't i locked on to him anymore? These are the questions you'll b asking yourself over and over. sometimes the damn lock on system gives up on me in the middle of a FUCKING COMBO! target is right in front of me and Travis just decided to go past him in mid combo.
  • Down, down! DOWN! I AM PRESSING DOWN DAMMIT! - This was literally what i said at the very end of the last fight. as u know, all bosses in no more heroes have to b killed through a quick time event, not a hard one, but something's not working right, very often i did the motion the quick time event asked for, and nothing, not a damn thing happened. on occasion i had time to do it 3 times, and it didn't work. I've come to realize that if u do it TOO FAST the game won't register it. I lost quite a few battles because i "missed" the final blow.
The one good thing though, is that you can play this game with the classic controller, and i have to say it's so much more... well, better. it's just a lot easier and comfortable. I am so glad you're given the option of not using the stupid Wii gimmick.

These are really decent, almost enjoyable.

Gameplay - Other elements

There's lil improvements to the rest of the game:
  • No more traveling - You no longer have to ride your bike to get anywhere, now the map opens, u pick the location, and you're there.
  • The part time jobs - All of them, except the last one, are pretty much NES games. so they load fast, they're actually kinda fun, and if you lose, u can instantly retry with no wait. simple and nice.
  • No more $ farming - Doing the part time jobs is completely optional now, the rank fights do not require u to pay anything. if you want u can do all the rank fights back to back.
On 2 occasions, you get to play with 2 other characters: Shinobu and Henry, and that is bullshit! and here's why:

You get to sort of enjoy using Shinobu cause she takes out 2 ranked assassins, you play 2 levels with her and 2 boss fights. She's ok to use, instead of punching and kicking like Travis, she has the ability to jump, which is bad cause they make u use it to get through the levels u play with her in ridiculously unnecessary annoying way.

Henry, well, he's fucking awesome and seems like he'd b fun to use, VERY fun because his alt action is dashing, omg yes, dashing! It's really fun! and why does that suck? because you get to use him once! in a dream sequence! that's it! he kills a figment of his imagination and he's gone!

Fuck yea! Shinobu!


I was gonna b detailed about each character, but seems pointless. Travis is Travis, still the same, maybe a lil more angry but in the end still the same. Sylvia is just a whore and for the life of me can't tell why Travis even likes her. Shinobu has a crush on Travis and they even kiss, she's hot and she's really nice to Travis, Travis is a fucking retard for picking Sylvia when Shinobu was hotting on him, Henry's pretty cool, i like him, but we don't get much of him.

Aside from the main chars, Dr Naomi is SO HOT!


I mainly played cause i hoped for improvement in both the fight system and in the game in general, and 1 out of 2 isn't too bad i guess. Despite the horrible fight system this game has, i enjoyed the story and some of the fights. #2 was memorable even of she stun locked me to death 5 times.

It strikes me weird as hell that some of the things u fight are supposed to b assassins for hire, "for hire". if you play this game, try to keep that in mind. the bosses in the first game sorta fit this theme even if it was in strange ways, but in this one... just no.

if you're into the characters, humor and story, play this cause it's no worse than the previous game, otherwise, not sure you'll enjoy it.

I'll go with "Sort of want" for this one.

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