
TF2 crafting changes

I'm not sure when this happened, and according to the TF2 official forums, it seems that it came out of nowhere.

People have been complaining about the fact that u couldn't craft any of the spy watches, and that some classes didn't have primary/secondary and melee weapons for the recipe. Yesterday or so, someone tried to craft watches together and it worked, and then someone tried and ambassador and the 2 watches and it worked, and some others tried even more stuff, but in short:

To make scrap metal all you need is any 3 items of a class.

It's a much nicer simplified recipe to remember and works better for all the classes and with all items. It's a welcome improvement.

On other notes, someone found that there's files in TF2 for the fire resistant spy suit:

Details are still unknown about it though, does it resist fire damage? does it only reduce the afterburn damage? No one knows yet.

Also, clever lil comic i found:

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