
USB/portable software

You know how sometimes when you're at work or even in college it's pretty handy to be able to carry your favorite applications with you in case your need them or just cause you can't install anything on the computer you're using.

Myself, i like using Roboform to book plane tickets for my dad cause those involve filling in a lot of stuff and doing it manually each time is just too much. However, sometimes i check for the price of the tickets on another computer and i have to wait til i get to my own to book the flights.

Couple of days ago i redownloaded Roboform to install it on this PC, and noticed on their site a new app: Roboform2Go. It's pretty much the same thing, but u install it on a USB drive and it'll run on any computer.

So it got me thinking... what other apps can run off a USB drive? did a lil research, and found a few that could b useful:

  • Firefox Portable - Haven't looked into it, but I'm assuming it's a portable version of Firefox that u can configure however u want and run anywhere.
  • Portabilizer - Very very interesting concept, it's an app to make other apps portable. I might look into it to make paint shop pro portable cause you never know when you're gonna need to do photo editing.
  • eMule Portable - This would had been handy for me when i started college and didn't have decent net connection at home.
  • Gimp Portable - I'm not a GIMP user myself, but it's worth mentioning.
  • USB Key Drive Data Recovery Software - Longest app name I've seen in a while, but as it implies it'll help you recover data from damaged USB drives.
  • OpenOffice Portable - Always useful to have around.

The list goes on, I'd suggest checking and if you're interested in this kind of stuff, you can find pretty much anything you'd need.

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