
Reviewers Salad: which ones taste the best?

Today i was looking at the tracker stats of blog for the lulz, it's not something that i do often but sometimes there's curious things on it. For example, this blog has only had 2 visits ever on a PSP, both were on the same day, but one was in the USA and the other in Mexico.

I Know, boring shit.

I mostly check referrers though, the majority of people who come across this blog come from Zach's DA and FA pages, probably hoping to see doodles here he doesn't post elsewhere and couldn't care less about who the hell me and Jimmy are. Believe me i bug Zach to post stuff here but since nobody gives him feedback I'm pretty certain he thinks it's a waste of time.


As i said i was checking referals, and saw one from the forums from MugenGuild, "odd..." i thought to myself, "maybe it's someone that Jimmy knows?". Jimmy used to b into Mugen character making i think, very briefly though. So i check the topic and it's about Yahtzee and game reviewers in general, Asking people what they thought of Zero Punctuation and what other reviewers they liked.

I read on to find the post that mentions the blog, and this was it:
Iiiii have problems with Yahtzee.
I think I have even more problems with K-T0f ( (I don't wanna talk about 'em.)
8-Bit ROB is kinda neat (
Spooney's good.
I love Angry Joe (
I also like The Game Heroes (
And I gotta show support for a group that lives in the same state as me (, and I, personally, think this group is neat.
Whoa, I got mentioned in that list Before freaking Spoony! Hell he decided to mention me before everyone except Yahtzee. I dunno who this Radda guy is but he kinda gave me a ego boost there. Sucks that he hates me and all, but he did give the blog advertisement (there's a slight visitor spike on that day).

I think it's fair to say if u don't like Yahtzee, you're not gonna like me cause I tend to always have the same opinion as he does on the games he reviewed that i did play. No i don't base my opinions on his, i'm just pessimist and objective as hell too. The thing is though, i don't see myself as a game reviewer, I just express my opinion on the game fully aware most people aren't like me and can actually enjoy stuff that aren't... er... good?

Best, Video, Ever.

Anyway I thought i'd give you guys a list of the reviewers i like to watch (not only gaming wise though), no particular order:
  • The spoony experiement - I love this guy hands down, He's funny, creative, reviews all sorts of stuff and he's really comfortable talking to the camera. I think this last characteristic is what makes him so likable, it's like listening to a friend that's hanging out with you.
  • Yahtzee - Short, Funny, to the point and i tend to agree almost always with him (there's only 1 game I've disagreed with him).
  • Lord Kat - Kind of a Reviewer, it kinda counts i think. Mostly known for his "Until we Win" series which in the end is a review or an old game with tips on how to beat it. Most might not like him, but he's grown on me for some reason.
  • The cinema snob - I don't think most people like this guy, but again, he grew on me. Reviews very very obscure and extremely bad movies. I just like his stuff.
  • Linkara and The Nostalgia Critic from - I think almost Everyone knows these 2 by now, both are pretty funny and entertaining, NC mostly reviews Movies but does other stuff from time to time, and Linkara most does comic books. I personally like Linkara a lil more though. Spoony, Lord Kat and The Cinema Snob are also on but they have their own sites as well.
That's my personal list anyway. I know some people like Angry Joe, and i'm sure joe is a cool guy, seems like he is, but i just cannot stand him at all (1, because he looks EXACTLY like my cousin who pierced my foot with a farming instrument when i was 8. 2, because unlike Spoony or Lord Kat, Joe's stuff feels very impersonal and more like a TV show). Don't like gaming heroes too much either, but never really gave them a chance.

Feel free to recomend stuff like this, i do need more stuff to watch lately.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that someone even went to our site for video game reviews makes me laugh.

    "I went on Might Panty Raiders and they said this game was as thrilling as making a slug orgasm! Four snail shells up d00dz!"
