
Sonic 4 with a dose of skeptism...

So back in September of 2009 Sega had announced they were making a "2d" sonic. I was skeptical at most because every single Sonic game since Sonic and Knuckles pretty much sucked. It was as if Sega just decided to let some furry fanboy/girl loose on the game franchise and the result was some of the shittiest games Sega has ever released, I would rather play War Gods than some of the stuff Sega has given the world for the past decade.

Anyway someone sent me a link to the official page for Sonic 4

Now most of you young whippersnappers will be going: FINALLY THOSE OLD FARTS CAN SHUT UP NOW ABOUT THE OLDSCHOOL SONIC. Well let me tell you, Sega has already managed to screwed it up.

Here is what Sonic 4 going for it:
  • It's an actual sequel follow up to Sonic and Knuckles.
  • You only play as plain Sonic. That's right no light saber wielding motorcycle riding sonic.
  • Robotnik is the villain (though he will be referred to as Eggman)
  • Simplified gameplay (or what appears to be simplified)
  • Use of old logo and font!

Here's why we old folks are griping:
  • When you tell us 2d, we were expecting sprites. That's right sprites. Not this polygon in a 2d view point.
  • It's the new sonic design.
  • There's a plot?
  • Episode 1. REALLY?

The music has not been released yet so that is still up for judgment.

While I maybe judging the game too harshly even before it's release, may I remind you the "Sonic" games they have released:
Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, Shuffle, Battle, Heroes, Rush, Rush Adventure, Secret Rings, Black Knight, Rivals, and Riders.

I'm probably missing a bunch of other dumb games, but the point I am making is that Sega has yet to convince me of anything.


  1. You forgot the Advance games, which were pretty good, aside from cheap obstacles out of nowhere that broke the stride.

    You sure they aren't sprites? They really looked like the sprites from 3D Blast to me, which would explain Sonic's apparent new fondness for power-walking.

  2. There's no hope for this already.

    I'm taking bets that sonic talks in this, completely ruining it for me.
