
Amazing remake and neat app

As i was a kid in France we had an arcade by our house, and even though i wasn't even 8, I'd venture in and I'd see people play stuff like Double Dragon, Street fighter and other games, but there were some guys who used to spend TONS of time on 1 particular game: Toki.

At the time, to me, Toki was a really badass arcade game that required incredible skill. I remember seeing people into the later levels and i would just watch in awe. it's a game that, even though i didn't play it all that much, i liked a lot.

and today i saw this:

And my jaw dropped, This is simply amazing. It's like Pimp my ride expect it's not retarded and it's on a videogame.

Seems that the guys who made this are a french team that seems to enjoy doing pimped out remakes, they're planning Joe & Mac next, and on their site i saw that they're gonna collab with Konjak (amazing spriter and creator of noitu love 1 and 2 among other thing) to make a Wii port of Noitu love 2, now, if it's a direct port or if they're gonna pimp it, I do not know.

on a side note...

Ever wanted to play those java cellphone games on the PC? use this.

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