
I come with an offering of poke-pixels

As some may know, there's this lil sequence in Pokemon Soul Silver where ur character disguises as a team rocket member to infiltrate a station.

This spawned an idea in my head: Why don't they do something different for once and make a game where you play as a team rocket character?

You would still have the collect them all thing, and u could have side missions to raise up the ranks of the team rocket organization. Stuff like theft, sabotage, scams, etc. And after u got to a certain rank, you'd b assigned subordinates, which u can equip with Pokemons of your choice.

I personally think it'd b an awesome idea, sadly, Nintendo isn't going to change the Pokemon formula ever. "It prints money" as it is, so why bother.

On a side note to my friends, my character Pandie's anniversary is on the 17th.


  1. I'd definitely buy it.

  2. Personally I'd want a game where you could choose your path, and every world ever is accessible.

    That and more customizable characters, I really doubt they'll make a pokemon game I'd want to buy for a decade or so.

  3. Actually that's not a bad idea, customizing your character wouldn't b that hard and u'd think nintendo would had done that by now.

    they're focusing too much on creating more pokemons rather than to improve on the other aspects of the game, it's sad.
