
Disappointing Blizzard disappoints.

Srly, Blizzard used to come up with really really good and elaborate April fools on all it's sites, and this years was like they forgot except for the Diablo 3 site.

Funny touch how the book is upside down.

The Diablo 3 site actually posted 2 April fools that were kinda neat:

The blanket one is... mildly amusing at best. The voice pack sounds awesome in theory until u hear the samples, only one of those is kinda funny.

Their other sites had no April fools as far as i could tell, i might have missed something on the WoW site, they did post some stuff on April 1st, but it didn't seems funny or a joke at all so I'm gonna assume they forgot. Nothing on the Starcraft 2 site either.

Blizzard ruined April fools for me.

Edit: I'm aware of the WoW "Equipment Potency Equivalence Number" thing, but it's not even remotely amusing.
Edit 2: I think there's supposed to b more April fools from the WoW site, but some people aren't even sure they're meant to b April fools, and that's just bad when people can't tell.

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