

Deviant Art decided to do an April New Years joke on its users this year. I was browsing around at the time and then my icon had changed into Lady Gaga.

Deviant Art changing my icon thinking it would be a funny prank. It's not.

At first I did not know what to make of it. Perhaps my account had been hacked? I doubt it. Anyway I decided to just change it to something new since I do not have the icon any more and then perhaps change my password after that.

As it turns out Deviant Art decided to not allow you to change the icon and decided to post a message of "Team Gaga" in reference to the Twilight Fans calling their loyalty to their favorite characters as "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob". Anyone who has ever been around these fans know these terms because they are VOCAL about it.

So after seeing the change I decided to look around for a place to complain to DA about changing my icon to something else. Because while I do like to listen to Lady Gaga every so often, I am quite fond of my icon, it lets people know who responded to their message without looking at the name. Despite what DeviantArt might think a good portion of it's user reads English as a second language. Anyway, on the main page I saw the poll. It clicked right away.

Now it may seem like I do not like April Fool's stuff online, but that is far from the truth. I adore a good prank, but this is just not good at all. It's like the people at Deviant Art decided to let a 12 year old decided what to do.


  1. didn't they change all avatars to mudkips 1 or 2 years ago?

    i think setting all avatars to something is all they can come up with

  2. Hentai Foundry mirrored their interface...and made every image upside-down.

    I also got some message about a button that gives people llamas.
