
The pixels, the horror and the pixelated horror

Really didn't plan to not post this many days in a row, doesn't help that i always seem to b the only one posting stuffs.

Things been slow, i can't find anything to do with my free time. been wanting to make one of those hentai mini games people have been making for Wario Ware DYI but on Multimedia Fusion 2 to get my gears going, both work almost the same really.

I did the layout for a simple "click and bounce" game in 10 mins, "coding" took 2 mins. Now if only i had an idea or a pic, pfff...

"Joe & Mac Returns" cavegirls

I had the misfortune to play a horrible, HORRIBLE Beats of Rage mod which name i shall not even mention. The spriting and animation are... just not good. The gameplay is the worse one I've ever seen in a BoR mod because enemies don't use normal attacks, they ALL use "throws", which last 5+ secs. there's is little to no flow in this game, it's amazing to me how bad it is.

So the mod relies on a gimmick, and the said gimmick is what's making it popular despite it's incredible poor quality, and that gimmick is that the mod is an adult furry mod. It's kinda sad when u have to rely ENTIRELY on your theme to make the mod interesting. However, even this part wasn't done right.

A lot of people have problems with Furries as it is, but this game includes a LOT more fetishes, which aren't and shouldn't b associated with furries. it includes pregnancy and/or belly inflation (there's both, but they're hard to tell apart), breast inflation and worms coming out of nipples. There's more, but i don't wanna make anyone sick.

The main characters are very obviously hollow inside and made out of rubber on the outside due to all the crap that happens to them, and even in a fantasy setting it just wouldn't b possible. It's painful to watch, it's plainful to play, no one I've shown the game to thought it was appealing to play or watch.

On another note...

This game could so easily become a hentai game with slight tweaks...

For some reason, like an idiot i started ripping sprites from "Joe & Mac returns", why like an idiot? because what i wanted to rip was already available online. I usually always look first but this being a Mame rom i somehow assumed it wouldn't had been ripped.

Speaking of Joe & Mac returns, that game is quite oddly enjoyable, plays a lot like Bubble bobble/Snow bros.

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