
LordKat's Livestream is neat

Not sure since when, but LordKat (he's the "Until we win" guy on "that guy with the glasses") set up a Usteam along with his chat where we can see what he does all day.

He has guests show up which are usually people from "that guy with the glasses" and you can listen in and they chat over Skype and such.

They do D&D sessions midweek and weekends which i admit i find interesting. I don't think D&D is played at all around here, but it seems like something I'd be into.

I like that it's possible to play it online, but i hate i don't have people to try it with.

Lordkat recently started playing TF2, and i had to go show my "appreciation" for him.

I gotta say it's really cool to play TF2, kill someone, and 5 secs later see yourself through your victim's eyes doing it!

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