
PS2 emulation

On a whim, a couple of days ago, i decided to see the state of emulation for the PS2. It's something I've been meaning to do for ages but kept putting it off because some emulators are just a pain to configure and i assumed this would b one of those times.

I believe there's more than one PS2 emulator, but i tried this one:

You an download it as a zip or as an installer, i tried the installer.

And i really didn't have to configure much at all. You do have to get a PS2 Bios wich is simple to find with a google search and point the emulator to it. after that configure your controls and if u want to mess with the other options that's optional but the default settings work well.

Tested it with Disgaea 2, and it runs at a smooth 60FPS with really rare hiccups. The only downside i see in it is that it emulates the video too accurately, and these games are intended for TVs who deal with the scanlines.

Long story short, once you load a game, press F5 until the screen stops shaking. I wish i could get a pixel clear picture, but i'm just playing and not ripping sprites so that's ok.

As for Disgaea 2, so far i like it. Only played the first game on my PSP before, which i started to replay recently but the PSP was killing my hands and eyes, not to mention there's no comfortable way to hold something in front of you for hours without switching position all the time.

I hate playing games on consoles but really like playing on my PC, so this suits me just fine.

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