
Oni Gary's Midnight Flower

With CPS, I wanted to try doing one of those nifty ancient Japan alternate universe stories they do in lots of manga I've read. Then I got a better idea to base it on Gary's point of view. So it's a bit more serious and realistic looking(want a nice example of what I'm talking about? Check out the new Zelda trailer for Wii. This is to CPS as that is to Wind Waker), and more stylized.

Razz is, being the apple, or raspberry rather, of Gary's eye, is a badass, dead-serious sex bomb of a her alternate persona, the Midnight Flower. In most circumstances, she is an awkward, lovable dope. She's kinda like Kenshin Himura. The outfit is unashamedly "based" on Momohime-Jinkuro from the game Muramasa. Originally, I drew the kimono longer, with less cleavage and no armor attatched to it. I mostly figured the shorter version would mirror Razz's style of dress better. It's a lot easier to tell she's 20 like this, eh?

So that's basically it. Everything is based loosely on how Gary perceives things, yet still mirroring how it normally is. Maybe I'll throw some more of these useless ideas up her later. Not like anyone cares, right? I really should do something with the actual idea before I start thinking about alternate universes, right?

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