
Trying to figure things out

It's hard to figure out what people want to see on a blog when we have zero input.

right now, me Zach and Jimmy usually just post that that seems interesting to us. But personally i often wonder what is it that people would like to see me post.

I mean, maybe you guys drop by to see if we posted a link to something funny? if we rant about a movie? maybe you drop by looking for doodles?

Tried doodling today, and Zach was watching me do it over Skype, felt so uncomfortable...

Truth is, to us it's hard to tell because the feedback is null on everything, and yet we still have people visiting. Zach rarely posts any doodles here because he believes nobody wants to see those here. I think he's wrong but i really have no proof of the contrary.

I'm not telling u guys "Hey bitches, post right now and tell us what u like!", just saying that giving hints every once in a while would help us.

on another note:

As i thought, the Oekaki is mostly abandoned again. What's the deal? I make a poll (completely expecting it to fail), you guys actually voted on it and even more surprising, towards keeping the Oekaki.

So I'm like "Well, i really didn't expect that... guess I'll keep the thing up then.", and i do, giving it a over 95% up time for months, and then ya' all forget bout it.

I am disapoint. Well... not really, i mean, i kept it up cause your people asked me, so it wasn't for my sake anyway.

Well anyway, lastly:

I saw this video, found a server hosting that map, and damn, that's quite an experience. it felt so damn awesome.

If you do look up this map and activate the cat, at the end of his "performance" everything is white and u can't see anything UNLESS you're set on fire

There's a couple of flames that open us near where u spawn so try to remember where they are after kitty kills everyone.


  1. I guess I should comment on this.

    For one thing, I think people DO come by sometimes to read each of ya blogs (me included). I'm not sure what everyone's reason for it is, but I guess my few reasons for not commenting are :

    1) There's nothing much to comment about - Some of the entries (Mainly Tof's) I have no idea how to put my imput. Obviously, you want something more then 'awesome!' or 'cool.' Other times, the entry doesn't interest me as much (which isn't your fault. Everyone had their taste). It's good that you talk about some stuff you're interested in, but maybe you can put some entries about the other stuff general people are interested in

    2) I'm just lazy - Plain and simple really. There might be a few stuff that I would like but I get lazy on it (which is not too often, really).

    In things related to Zach's sketches, I actually like seeing them on the blog and I usually come in the blog to see what hidden work Zach is too bashful to show on DA/FA. I love the guy's work, as I commission him majority of the time (the other person I commission regulary is Shonuff. There's also a small percentage of artist I occassionally commission, but that's only if the first two guys are unavailable for commission). At the same token though, t don't comment on those since I just IM him about it online.

    Your Art blog issue is mainly blamed that there isn't a lot of artist on there (or at least, the site wasn't advertised enough to attract more artist). I think they liked it for the while cause there was something to do...or w/e. You can easily fix this by advertising it more, if you do want it up.

    I think that's about it. I'll do my best to comment a bit more on your blogs, but I'm not making any promises. Aside from the latest anime and video games out there, maybe you can talk about other random stuff. Like what's going on with ya lives and w/e.

  2. Thanks for commenting, it gives me a lil insight on things.

    I've been working on features for the blog to make commenting easier and implementing a simple "rating" system, so we should b able to know if people like posts or not.

    besides that, will try to post about more diverse things, and poke Zach with a stick to get him to post too. Jimmy's too busy making ends meet right now to post, which is a shame.

    again, i really appreciate the comment.
