
Valve is pro cock teaser

So the TF2 blog is all like "Hey!" and then says that nothing's happening still.

Well that's not quite true, they're saying that the Polycount pack contest is ending, and i have to admit, the stuff i seen on that is actually pretty cool. who am i kidding, it's better than what valve comes up with.

The other announcement is that there's a new wiki that's like the unofficial wiki, made by the people who made the unofficial wiki, except now it's official. In other words: derp.

How long ago did they show that damn engineer teaser? months? I've gone from being addicted and waiting impatiently for the engy update, to burning out and not playing for game for a week, to addict and burning out again like 3 times.

been trying out lots of stuff while waiting for TF2 to deliver a real update, one of those things was minecraft, which is very oddly addicting and fun. if u like legos you'll prolly like this, if u don't like legos, u'll prolly still like this.

You play in the browser so there's really no reason to try the game out. Creator is making a better version where u can craft items, weapons, armor, etc. but for that version you have to buy the game. If this game turned into a MMO, i would seriously consider it.

I've also been working for a few days on a new blog layout, but this time using one of the newer templates so we can use features that have been implemented in the last years since the original template mod.

Also, we're going to have a new member in the Might Panty Raider crew soon. Not telling who though, it's a surprise.

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