
Awkwardly convenient timing

So yesterday I made this post about social networks, it's a subject i really never talk about or give much thought on, and when i went to dinner, there was a crime investigation show on TV, and guess what the "theme" for that crime was? fucking social networks.

Although it doesn't happen often, there's been many instances of my life when things seemed to happen on cue, Almost like some sort of superior being was manipulating the events in my life to make them seem oddly convenient.

It's like finding the key to the toolbox where u keep your soldering iron in, which u haven't needed in years, just hours before something breaks and you can use the soldering iron to fix it. Or learning the meaning of a word you've never ever heard the day before someone u met actually uses it in a convo with you.

Since I'm almost done with the new layout, I started fucking around with a possibly bar idea: The post header. On a crazy idea I'm making the header of posts look like the top of a game hud, as in, a lifebar, mana/power bars, stats, etc...

Cute art that Jimmy made the other day, thought it was cute enough to post.

I thought it'd b neat because cause we can use a portrait of the poster, everyone could have different stats and, really, the more i talk about it the more i think it might b a bad idea...

I'm still enjoying fiddling around with it because i have been needing an HUD for a project or mine, and this is rather good practice. I will most likely drop the idea and make simple simple and clean looking for the blog though.

Spoony just posted 2 videos about the Ultima series, i have only played 1 of the games, Ultima IV, but it was a game that had a huge impact on me and that i'll never forget. that is not to say i liked or hated the game, it just had an impact is all.

So I'm looking forward to whenever Spoony does video 5 of that. u can find video 1 here and video 2 here.

Also, for the hell of it:

Sounds like an orgasm, or going into labor?

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