
Web "social" stuffs

About a week ago, when I told Jimmy i was fiddling with a possible new layout, he saw that I put on share buttons for social networks.

We started talking about how we're both old men and hate them fancy gay ass social networks and their buttons. I mean some sites have like 15+ of those buttons so you can share whatever on anything with great urgency to the masses!

Call me old, but back in my day, all we needed to share a page was it's URL, and that was it.

These are the buttons Blogger makes available for sharing.

So it's E-mail, Blogger itself, Twitter, Facebook and Google Buzz. All these buttons do is save you like, 2 clicks though. Are these so necessary? Are people so lazy now?

Ok, granted it's stupid to complain about added convenience, but the thing is, i've never met anyone who ever used these. I think I know people lazy enough to appreciate those, but to most people, these buttons became part of the decoration.

in the end, I'll probably add these in the next version of the layout, since this stuff is meant for the readers and not the authors. And I'm declaring right now that the main reason I'll b adding these is decoration.

Oh also, there's officially 4 Mighty Panty Raiders now. Our 4th member hasn't posted yet though and i don't wanna spoil who it is, even though if you're clever you can easily find out who it is.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I never found those things to be useful. Society is becoming more laz. I blame technology :p

    and cools, a 4th memer. can't wait to see who i is, as well as looking forward to the new layout.
