
Crap Tof's playin: Eastern Sun

Pizzacat kept mentioning this to Zach and me, and i had to try it: Eastern Sun.

Eastern Sun is a Diablo 2 mod that just enhance many aspects of the game without making it too easy, just more convenient.


  • Huge increase of the carry space.
  • Stash has several pages, also shared stash (between your own characters i believe).
  • New and modded skills, way more to choose from.
  • Mercenaries can be FULLY equipped, also their skills don't suck now.
  • Shops sell gems, and more types of gems exist.
  • Gems can be removed from equipment, which makes placing a gem less stressful.
  • EVERYTHING can have sockets.
  • Uncommon items drop way more often and with improved stats.
  • New Enemies (with recycled Diablo 1 sprites)
Now you would think that makes the game easier wouldn't you? not quite, everything is scaled up so it actually feels harder. Everything that was increased is justified.

It actually took us a really long time for me, Zach and pizzacat to just get through act 1. You find interesting gear much more often, you end up switching gems and upgrading them periodically, etc. Somehow, I was very entertained while playing this.

I'd like to point out that When people play normal diablo 2, they enjoy it through act1, get a lil annoyed at the longest passages of act 2, and at act 3 might even say "Fuck this!".

A very nice thing they did in this mod is cut out the boring ass long parts of act 2 and 3, and it's well cut in my opinion. Feels as long as act 1 and u don't wander off in maggot tunnels, deserts or jungles for hours, just enough time so that it's not boring.

This mod also contains special hard areas (much like the secret cow level) where u can challenge yourself and maybe get awesome loot. all and all, actually quite fun mod.

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