
Free Steam Games: Alien Swarm

The reason it took me 3 days to write a review about this game is because I've been playing it almost the entire time.

What's it like?

This game is top down view, like Diablo 2, you play as a team to survive and complete objectives, like L4D, and you can pick characters from 4 classes and a bunch of different equipment that unlocks with levels, like borderlands?

Watch as Zach is about to lag behind as usual.

What are the classes like?

Differences are really minor. there aren't many class restricted items at all.

Obviously, only medics can use healing equipment, and the rest seems rather unimportant.

Ma promotions.

When you max up your level, you can take a promotion and get a medal, that resets your level to 1 and re-locks all items again.

The medal doesn't do shit, but i want them all for bragging rights!

What are the enemies like?

Once you've played through the only campaign the game has a few times, the swarm are fairly predictable, which i sort of like.

There is a console command to turn on an AI director L4D style though.

As for the aliens, they're decent variety in those, there's some that take tons and tons of damage, some that fly around u and are quick, some that shoot at you from long range, some that explode when they die and drop explosive orbs around you, etc.

The aliens are like fucking bugs though, they'll pop out of unexpected places and rush you. On that aspect, the worse ones of all are the parasites, which id u don't have healing around, they'll kill you for sure if they grab you.

Me, yours truly, myself, and moi. the perfect team.

Other details?

  • Cool feature: you can pick a songs you have as the battle music for the game. It's kickass!
  • Don't play with Spanish people, they'll shoot u in the face for no good reason, complete the level so that u get the exp anyway, and then kick u out (srly, that was fucking retarded).
  • The game is free, the source code is free, modding for it is highly encouraged. This could b a big deal for gaming.
  • Most people right now suck at this game and run off by themselves or lag behind trying to kill everything (aliens can spawn forever so it's pointless), so playing with people can b frustrating.
  • From the first level you run into parasites, FOLLOW THE MEDIC! I cannot stress how simple this logic is, and yet everyone ignores it.
  • If you never played as tech, do it at least once in offline practice, no one wants to wait 5 mins in an actual game for you to figure out you're dumb as fuck. (so far, the longest i had to wait was around 7 mins, dude was french)
Anyway yea, it's fun, it's something to do with friends, higher difficulties are more intense and also rewarding.

But importantly, think of this game as a demo of things to come.

In the next month there will b tons of content made for this game, expect a lot of new content, maybe weapons, campaigns, who knows. I'm looking forward to it a lot.

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