
"Free" Steam games

Here's the deal, about a week ago i started planning making a small video series where i show u guys some games and mods that were either free or required at least 1 source engine game to play. It was just a bunch of games that you could probably play and didn't know about.

The intro video didn't turn out too bad, but then i tried to get footage of the first game, and something is just way too slow for that on my system. I suspect the hard drives but that's besides the point.

I did record it and added commentary on the video, but with the system i currently have i can't do stuff like that with games that have requirements as the source engine does.

So here's the deal, I'm just gonna write about it on the blog like i normally do. I know ya all hate reading, but can't do much about that.

A game that i wasn't going to talk about but suddenly popped out is Alien Swarm. It was released just yesterday.

Alien swarm falls right into the scope of the videos i was going to do.

To my surprise, this game doesn't have any requirements at all, as in, you don't need to previously own anything at all to play it.

Only reason i know about this game is because Valve released Hats for TF2 to celebrate the game. I'm downloading it right now and i'll b testing it soon.

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