
Fucking OS geeks

You know what i hate?

I hate people who are ignorant and affirm that their OS is clearly better than yours based only on the fact that's it's newer.

For starters, unless you know exactly what the other person uses, you can't say thier OS is worse. As long as your OS runs what you need and doesn't cash, that's all you need.

But then there's those asshole who say vista and win7 are better than XP. and i ask, why?

When XP came out I resisted it and held to win98se because XP was already starting to lose compatibility with older software and for the time, it was a resource whore. I was eventually forced to
change because hardware was made to run with it.

As of now, XP is still the fastest OS from the windows family. Win7 is good but still barely loses to XP in many aspects so there really isn't a point to it.

The real discussion is 32bit systems vs 64bit systems.

Again, 64bit systems lose compatibility, so for me it's not even an issue.

And I'm still fucking amazed at how retarded the concept of 64 bit processors is. Do you know what a 64bit processor's selling point is? it processes 64bit integer data in 1 go. Whoa... that's... kinda useless.

If u know a bit about programming, u know that those kind of variables aren't even that common.

When i had a 64bit operating system earlier this year, so much crap didn't run or crashed all the time it blew my mind. Trading stability for something so minor as processing fucking 64bit integers in 1 go. And people say that like 32bits processors couldn't process 64bit integers, BUT THEY CAN!

Unless you have over 4gb of ram, there is absolutely no point in using 64bits, it's asking for trouble. In the future i expect win7 to evolve, either into losing performance and losing it's ground to XP more, or into becoming efficient and stable enough so that i switch to it.

Otherwise, i still have hope in ReactOS.

I'm just pissed because i was watching Spoony's stream again, and it's still slow as fuck and Spoony was talking about how he couldn't get a game or 2 to run cause of his OS (win7 64bit), So i suggested he dual boot into a 32 bit OS for those things.

One asshat just kept saying that if it doesn't run on win7 64bits, it won't run on a 32bits OS, WHAT THE FUCK, that was the most ignorant statement i ever heard! I easily got 10 apps that i can run on my computer that will NOT run on a 64bit system.

Spoony is always digging older games to review, so all the more reason for him to setup an older OS. Bleh, people piss me off sometimes...

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