
Mary & Luanne Haizelle

Mary and Luanne are Kimmy's aunts, who used to watch over her growing up. They've since moved back to their family farm in the South, but occasionally pop in to Crust Town for special occasions...and emergencies. They share the same familiar, an iguana named Yog-Sothoth, or just Yog for short.

Mary is loud, jovial and boisterous, speaking in a husky Southern drawl. Her stout, heavy-set appearance belies her agility and physical strength; she tends to handle problems head-on through sheer grit and determination. Mary's in charge of fieldwork, and spends a good deal of time outdoors.

Luanne by contrast is more reserved and timid. She's much more delicate and feminine, and enjoys handling housework. She's more reliant on her witchcraft and Yog when it comes to magical warfare than her rough-and-tumble sister. Luanne speaks in a manner akin to Penelope Pitstop.

Yog iguana. It's an odd choice of familiar, but then again, Mary and Lu are odd witches. He tends to stick near Lu, as she is more reliant on his assistance... When he's not getting into things he shouldn't be, that is.

Mary, Lu and Yog are just meant to be minor characters, hence why they're fairly clear-cut allusions to Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi. Still, me being me, I at least attempted to not make it too apparent and get some sort of personality into them, in case I ever wanted to promote them from that status.

I'm particularly fond of Mary, who is quite unlike any other female character I've drawn. I tried to make her decidedly "unattractive", giving her thick eyebrows, a tick build, and an implied slight underbite. And yet, I can't call her "ugly". She has an odd allure to her, and I think the implied "ugliness" I tried to employ only ended up going in a weird direction where she ends up being "cute". It's kinda like the Oracle version of Impa or Sister Bikini from the third Ace Attorney game.

As for color...Obviously, based on Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi. Lu's colors are based on Luigi's SMB sprites, solely so I cold keep her apron white. I thought Mary's initial color scheme was too strong an allusion to Mario, so I did a second version using the same approach I did for Lu, and used Mario's SMB sprite colors instead, and I think it looks MUCH better. I was going to give them both hair to match Kimmy's at first, but after the clothing, I decided to do something more down-to-earth, so I wouldn't have so many red-headed mages running around. So Mary became sorta of a chestnut, and Lu a somewhat strawberry-blonde (it's NOT a Daisy/Peach reference though, I SWEAR...neither are their complexions for that matter). All-in-all, I like how the second version turned out.

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