
TF2: Delicious drama

So here's the deal: the random system giving out golden wrenches isn't random. Some people apparently figured it out and are getting the wrench on a single craft attempt.

Steam's TF2 forum is furious, and want to hang Drunken fool, who is the most obvious case there is a system to get these, such evidence which was found using the site he designed himself "TF2items" to view people's backpacks.

I rather not into detail about it but there's tons of info on that on the TF2 forums.

Once again, Valve managed to enrage their fanbase by doing something stupid AND unfair. So what else is new? heh.

There is a person though that has risen to b a hero. Although i don't like Brazilians in general, this guy had the golden wrench #27, and he DESTROYED it (you can check the history of his backpack, it was there before). His massive balls are being now admired by most of the TF2 forums.

It seems that when someone gets a wrench, it's broadcast on all servers everywhere to everyone. and as this guy demonstrated, if u destroy one, the same thing happens as well.

No one knows why he did it, but i like to think it was a "fuck you" to valve's random systems that make most of the community feel like crap for no good reasons.

All and all, it's just retarded drama, couldn't care less about the wrenches, just want ma update so i can have fun.

This has way more uses than one would first think.

Slightly related, I guess Spoony played TF2 for the first time in a long long time, and said on his twitter, and i quote:

Since when could Pyros just fucking hurl people into the air with their minds? The fuck is this shit?

Besides the fact that he hasn't played TF2 in over 2 years, he seemed really pissed at the fact that 10 or so updates to the game changed it [/sarcasm]

But seriously, i can imagine the frustration of playing a near vanilla TF2 and then going to the version we have today. Must b quite a shock. Spoony proceeded to rant about how the game sucks now and how there's no strategy anymore and how Valve is breaking every single class.

I'd say he's exaggerating but I could see myself reacting the way he did if i was in a similar situation (I think i have, but was about a King of Fighters game). Still, Not having played in over 2 years and judging this quickly? nah, that ain't right.

I'm kind taking a break from working on the new layout, mood's crappy lately and i need to find something fun to do.


HE DID IT FOR TEH LULZ! That is so win, check the photos!


Turns out someone hacked into the account and deleted the wrench, but now valve gave it back, oh god the drama is delicious!

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