
TF2: Engy update / Rant about streaming

I am SO beat, played til 7am yesterday and all day today.

Before the update itself, i really enjoyed the drama on the steam forums. 6 people banned, rage and vast amounts of stupidity. It was priceless...

There's a few posts i really liked and took note:

Gabe's infernal trolling machine has harvested enough sweet tears from this ordeal to operate nonstop for at least the next one hundred years.

this one almost sounded erotic:

Drunken F00l squirmed in his chair, desperately trying to break free of his restraints. He tried to call out for help, but each cry was muffled by the gag upon his mouth. The darkness in the room was broken as the door swung open, and Robin Walker entered the room.

"It really is a shame it had to come to this," Robin said, his voice a frightening mix of genuine dissapointment and sadistic glee. F00l was one of the biggest contributors to the TF2 scene (he had even been awarded a community item) and now he had to be dealt with like any low grade hacker. "I had such high hopes for you"

"MMMMMGH!" F00l continued yelling, attempting to gasp out a legible word.

"Don't strain yourself," Robin chucked, running a hand down the F00l's cheek. "You may have passed up a golden opportunity... but that doesn't mean that the game is over."

Robin reached out, removing Drunken f00l's gag. Exhausetd and defeated, he only had one thing to ask.

"R...Robin. Am I going to die here?"

Robin laughed, removing a rusty wrench from his pocket.

"No F00l, you wouldn't learn anything from that. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget."

And then it all went black.
the summary of Drunken F00l's brilliant contributions to TF2:

DF has to be brain damaged or something...

- Create idle program, which was obviously against the rules;
- Get a slap on the wrist from Valve accompanied by a "don't do it again...";
- Do it again;
- Get busted, again;
- Get banned;
- Complain it's Valve's fault.

Seriously DF? Did you use all your "logic"s on your scripts and left none for yourself?

Anyway, the update itself, is actually neat. achievements aren't too hard, unlockables are all good and fun. Only problem is teams with 10+ engies and, honestly, in some of the matches i was in, i don't even see how it'd b possible to win. All engy defense teams seems pretty strong right now.

And now i shall rant about LordKat's stream.

I check Lordkat's livestream less and less. it's just gone worse and worse, and just bores the shit out of me now.

On a few occasions that i checked, he's just got a webcam pointed at the floor, wall, a motherboard, i just don't know. All those times he wasn't even around and i waited like 3-5 mins each time, so i guess he just leaves the damn thing pointing at whatever when he leaves.

A while back, i saw him playing D&D with another group, and you could see the board but not hear anything. what is the fucking point of that? All u could hear was him talk once every 10 mins and you couldn't hear the other end, much like listening to someone have a phone call. Why do people watch him do that? for fucking hours too.

So a few mins ago i checked his stream, he's playing tf2, and filming his keyboard and monitors and that's what he's broadcasting. Actually imma get a screenshot of it right now.

The guy went from broadcasting what's on his screen, even cropping to the specific window of the app he was using, to this? You can't even tell wtf is on his screen. he was playing TF2 earlier and the game looked like the face of god!

All u could see is a tiny portion of the screen moving and his fat fingers pressing keys. Whoa, that's a huge improvement indeed..

How do you do this? how do you start doing something properly at the beginning, and when you're more experienced, make it shitty and as boring as possible? God i wish his stream somehow got retsuprae'd.

While he was playing TF2 someone on his chatroom asked him why he doesn't play full screen. A simple question, and LordKat flipped the fuck out started cursing and saying he'll play how he god damn please and started to rant over it to his skype guests. Did a fullscreen kill his parents or something? I've never seen anyone overreact so much about a simple question like that.

Dude's kinda retarded.

In other news, Zach's away at "connecticon" or something for 2 more days, 4th member can't think of anything to post yet, and I'm just playing TF2 til i get sick.

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