
Game review (Quickie): Starcraft 2

Sometimes, u look forward to something, and then a year passes by, and then another, and then either the hype is too fucking high or you just don't give a fuck anymore.

Yet, when i got to try out Starcraft 2, i was still excited to try it. I have never been into Starcraft because space themes are extremely uninteresting to me. I could get into why, but it'd b a long talk.

So i start the SC2 campaign, they try to explain the story of the previous game during the game installation, and hint to it on the cutscenes ingame, i kept up with it, but was just kinda... not intresting.

I was enjoying the game, until i got to the 10th or so mission, and then i was pretty much done with my opinion of it.


  • This is just Warcraft 3 with hugely fucking exaggerated textures/models.
Honestly, this is a strategy game, and it's possibly the most graphically heavy game i have ever installed on my computer, and not because of the effects, but because the of HUGE textures.

I can run it fine at fullscreen with the ultra options, but i couldn't help to think that, Jesus fuck, is this level of detail really necessary? When u see the super ultra detailed fly in one of the cut scenes in the intro, you may realize why this game took way too long to come out.

This is one awesome pinup...

I guess this is bothering me because this game is BIGGER THAN FUCKING VANILLA WOW!

Although i am very bothered by it now, i calm down and think about WC3 and i see what they did there. This game will be deemed graphically nice, and even decent, ages from now which will help it's longevity in the long run.

  • There's nothing in this game that i couldn't had done in WC3.
Amazing/exaggerated graphics aside, this is just a strategy game like wc3, and really nothing at all that is in it couldn't had done in WC3.

Nothing really impressed me and in fact, as i played and Zach was watching my screen over Skype, i just kept commenting how similar to WC3 it all was.

  • I fucking LOVE the number of units u can select!
I forgot the exact value, but you can now select around 150 units at once. This was an issue in WC3, especially in custom maps.

  • Hotkey-ing groups is really well handled

As you hotkey groups, a tab shows up on the hud with the number it's hotkey'd to and how many units are in it. Also for players who didn't even know the keys to do it, this can now b entirely done with the mouse.


Honestly, fuck the campaign. It's very nicely made and the storytelling is ok, I like that you can choose paths, but like any other strategy game before this one, the custom maps are what will make this game really fun to play.

It shouldn't b too different from WC3, But... this game has a very powerful editor, so maybe really amazing stuff will come out of this.

I just fucking hope there will b a SC2 version of "footmen frenzy" by nohunters on it and NOT fucking DotA.

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